Tips for siblings sharing a bedroom

Are you thinking about your Smalls sharing a bedroom together?

If you would like your Smalls to share a bedroom or have recently made this transition this blog is for you.

And it’s packed with reassurance and practical tips

Firstly reassurance, because I’m always here for this…

You might find the thought of two or more siblings in the same bedroom super stressful.  

It’s natural to worry that you will get less sleep, they’ll disturb each other and it will be a total nightmare! But…

siblings have been sharing bedrooms or sleep spaces for many generations and it’s worked well for them.

I shared with my younger sister for many years and have some great memories.

Granted, they’re memories where we’re making mischief instead of sleeping!

And chances are that making this change and having siblings share a bedroom will all work out for your family, too.

To be totally honest, change is strange and I would expect this transition to take a bit of time for you all to get used to and for it to really feel like your new normal.

Realistically, we can’t really expect them to make this move without seeing any changes or disturbances. (Though this can happen!)

Because, chances are, their bedtime routine might take a bit longer than usual, they may need more support to fall asleep, and you might need to offer more reassurance at night.

But these changes are usually only temporary and very likely to settle if we give them time to adjust.

This is one of these transitions that parents often worry about but are often surprised by how adaptable their Smalls are. So many have told me they actually found it way easier than they thought it would be!

 The biggest worry about siblings sharing a bedroom

The biggest worry about siblings sleeping in the same bedroom is usually that they will wake each other up.

Now I’m not saying this won’t happen.

Change is strange! And it’s certainly a possibility.

But siblings usually have a pretty good tolerance for each other’s tears and night noises. They’re less likely to disturb each other than you think they will.

And IF they wake up it’s usually only temporary and they’re likely to go back to sleep quite quickly.

There’s so secret to siblings sharing a room

Sorry but there’s no secret to getting siblings to share a bedroom. Please don’t hate me!

And we won’t know whether it will work out until we actually give it a go.

So my top three tips for the siblings sharing a room transition are:

1. Sort out logistics and get their new sleep space set up  

2. Set a time to make the transition and go for it

3. Give the siblings time to settle into their new bedroom

More tips for siblings sharing a room that I hope will help:

  • Stick to the base of their usual bedtime routine. Things might be happening in a different place or slightly different order but try to stick to roughly the same steps IF you can.

  • For one or both of them the bedtime routine might be happening in a different bedroom so be prepared for them to be a bit distracted during bedtime and for it to take a bit longer. 

  • It’s also realistic to expect some excitement at bedtime. It IS exciting for them and it’s important to acknowledge and allow them this. Try to focus on keeping yourself calm and remember this is temporary. The novelty will eventually wear off! 

  • They might want to play and explore their new bedroom at bedtime so give them the time to do this. Some short periods of play in the room during the day can also help.

  • If you’re doing bedtime with two or more siblings even if you’re not going to settle them to sleep together I suggest getting them bathed/washed and into their pjs at the same time 

  • You can either settle them to sleep with them both in the bedroom at the same time (this is a great option if their bedtime is roughly at the same time) or settle them separately.

  • If you’re settling them at the same time I’d suggest settling the Small who needs the most support/ takes longest first.

  • If you’re settling them separately I suggest settling the one who’s more likely to settle quicker/easiest first.

  • Ultimately there’s no right or wrong way. It’s just whatever works for you and it might take a bit of trial and error to find out what does.

  • Stick to their usual way of settling to sleep. If you want to make a change to this you can do, but I suggest making the transition to the new bedroom first, giving them time to settle and then you can change how they fall asleep. One step and change at once is my motto!

  • If you’re worried about one of them waking up or they’re getting disturbed you can put some white noise near them (closer to the one that’s waking!)


My final words of wisdom for you are to give them plenty of time to bed into their new bedroom and if, in the unlikely event, it doesn’t work for whatever reason, it’s always ok to revert to where they were sleeping before. Nothing is ever permanent!

I really hope you found this blog reassuring and helpful.

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