Pinch, Pull or Scratch to Sleep
Does your Small pinch, pull or scratch your hair, skin or body part to sleep?
If that’s an ‘oh ouch yes!’, you aren’t alone. I’ve seen mole, nipple, ear, and lip twiddling in practice! This isn’t a bad habit or negative sleep association, and if it’s working for you and your Small you don’t need to stop.
Your Small never means to hurt you, but those small fingers can sometimes be super painful and sore! So IF it’s bugging you it’s ok to put some loving boundaries in place and find a way that works for you both.
Sleep suggestions for putting boundaries in place with your infant:
Introduce a comforter
This isn’t a given because let’s face it comforters don’t always cut it, however cute they are! But sometimes introducing a comforter or taggy whilst falling asleep can save your skin or sanity.
Cover IF you can
This isn’t always possible but IF you can:
Put your hair up (one client found wearing a hat worked a treat!)
Cover as much skin as possible. Think long sleeves or plasters over moles.
Reassure, redirect and reinforce
Remember, Change takes time, and consistency!
Moving away from this will take time. So it’s important to give yourselves plenty of it. It’s normal to worry it’s taking too long or they’re going to get overtired, but the time it takes to move past this habit is usually temporary!
EVERY time they pinch/pull/twiddle offer lots of reassurance:
“ I can see you really need me/to fiddle/ be close right now. I’m right here and not going anywhere.”
Gently remove their hand/fingers and redirect them:
“You can hold or stroke your comforter/taggy”
“You can stroke my skin here”
“I can stroke you or we can hold hands”
Reinforce the boundary
Make eye contact if you can and say:
“I can see/know you’re annoyed/upset/cross that you can’t put your fingers in my mouth/twiddle/ pinch. But my hair hurts/skin is sore/ mole is uncomfortable.”
Try to keep it neutral and about you rather than about them.
I really hope you found this helpful!