How to return to work after maternity leave


This guest blog from Sam at The Float Space aims to provide some support and guidance on managing the huge transition when you return to work after maternity leave.


I vividly recall stepping off the train in London in Summer 2019 one Monday morning. I was returning to my office job at Save the Children just after my first child turned 1 year old. It felt like both absolutely nothing had changed and everything had changed in exactly the same moment.

The office dramas were all pretty similar, some work had moved along, some hadn’t.

But I had changed, and work wasn’t ever going to be the same again for me.

It can feel overwhelming. There is so much to think about.

Since then I’ve had a second, very different, return to work. I’m going to share some tips and reflections from my experience, and from supporting mums with this transition in my job as a return-to-work coach The Float Space.

Things to do before you return to work from maternity leave

You don’t *have* to do anything before your first day back, but many people find it helpful to start thinking about a few things to ease the transition.

  • Keep In Touch (KIT) days are an option for working while on maternity leave without bringing your leave to an end. These can be a useful way to spend some time preparing for your return, catching up with your team, manager or cover, or trialling childcare arrangements.

  • Finding out about how your workplace manages flexible working applications might also be something you want to look into well in advance of returning to work.

  • While you’re on maternity leave you continue to accrue annual leave. Some people like to use this to facilitate a phased return (and some workplaces even offer a phased return on full pay!).

‘First day of school’ feelings when you return to work 

There’s a few things I’ve learnt from both my returns and from clients on how to mange when you return to work after maternity leave: 

  • Treat it like a new job - ask about your (re)induction, take time getting to know people, asking questions, make the most of needing to ask lots of questions.

  • You will be tired! It's time to outsource if that's an option for you. Can your partner, if you have one, take some time off work to take responsibility for nursery run and any early settling issues or sickness?

  • Make some space for you - not you the parent, provider or partner. What lights you up? Before work takes over can you use a bit of lunch break or commute for you?


Finding your support network after maternity leave

Are you sick of people saying ‘it takes a village’ yet? I am too, and yet I'm about to remind you again that every working mother needs a support network. I’ve found one of the most critical parts (childcare aside) is having a fellow working parent who gets it and is there to listen. 

When I returned to the office after my first I was delighted to find that a Parents Network had been established while I was on maternity leave and they set me up with a buddy. My buddy had been back at work a while, but the challenges of returning were still fresh in her mind. 

On my second return I’ve been returning to self-employment - so no buddies here for ‘watercooler moments’. Instead I’ve had to go find my people. I’ve joined Doing It For The Kids - a brilliant online (and sometimes IRL) community for freelance parents.

So much has changed, but what hasn’t?

You still bring the skills and strengths you brought to your role before leave, as wobbly as you may be feeling on day one back. Spend some time thinking about what these are, and what becoming a parent has added or strengthened too.


What is a return to work coach?

You don’t have to do this alone. Working with a coach can help you navigate these feelings by putting in place the plans, systems and boundaries you need.

At The Float Space, I offer two options for return-to-work support:

  • Float Back - four 60-90 minute 121 coaching sessions over around 2 months, email support throughout. £500

  • Mini Float Back - one 60-90 minute 121 coaching session, 3 weeks email support around your return, one follow-up 30 minute check-in call after your return. £150

I’m offering a discount to Care It Out followers - quote SLEEP when you get in touch for 10% off either package. 

Have you returned to work after maternity leave? Share your tips in the comments. 


Explore Care it Out e-courses to help guide you through other infant sleep questions - with care.

The Toddler Bedtime Basics Workshop
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