Bedtime Bundle E Course

Bedtime Bundle E Course
Buy my two Ecourses together and receive a £10 discount!
Bedtime Basics: An Introduction to my 4 sleep steps to a settled night’s sleep without tears or training.
Bedtime Boundaries: A breakdown on how you can go about changing your current Bedtime Boundary (HOW your child falls asleep) if it’s not working for you and your Small.
Bedtime Basics
“I’ve read A LOT of sleep books and none of them have felt right for us. The steps always felt too big and I knew they would end in a lot of tears.
I’ve loved following you on here and decided to buy your basics course a few weeks ago. After a few tweaks my 6 month old went from waking every 2 hours (at least ) to having a longer stretch of 4-5 hours!! You have brought me back from the dead!”
Bedtime Boundaries
“…nap time was an absolute battle that would involve rocking, walking, shhing and bum tapping causing us both distress and often for only a 20 minute nap at the end of it. After 3 weeks of transitioning from rocking to cuddling, today I put my daughter in her cot after lunch, said good night and walked out. She self settled and slept for over 2 hours!! I literally never thought this was a possibility for us. Thank you”
I’m on a serious sleep mission to support as many of you as I possibly can to a settled night sleep without:
✗ Tears
✗ Sleep Training Techniques
✔ Following what feels right for YOUR family
✔ WHEREVER you choose to sleep
✔ Meeting EVERYONE’S emotional needs
✔ No matter HOW your Small gets to sleep
My Bedtime Bundle is a cost-effective way to access my sleep suggestions and the Care it Out theory®; it combines my two highly-praised sleep courses into one discounted deal.
Each course is made up of clear and concise videos that are informative AND reassuring. My intention is to leave you feeling clued up, reassured and confident about your Small’s sleep.
Each course includes:
A downloadable PDF so you can put together your own sleep suggestions/plan.
Lifetime access to the course. There’s no time limit to complete, and you can freshen up years later if you have another child!
Bedtime Basics E-Course
Naps and bedtime
Bedtime routine AKA preparation for sleep separation
Bedtime boundaries
Stitching sleep cycles.
I created my sleep courses so that my sleep theory and sensible sleep suggestions would be accessible and affordable to parents across the globe.
This is course is for anyone who would like to have clear tools, and the confidence to change how their Small goes to sleep…without tears!
How does your Small fall asleep?
Being otherwise supported to sleep
You might have heard these things called sleep associations, props or crutches (I really dislike that word!) but NOT on my sleep approach. Care It Out doesn’t do crutches!
How your Small goes to sleep AKA their bedtime boundary isn’t any of the above.
A bedtime boundary isn’t wrong if it’s working for you and your Small.
If feeding, bouncing, rocking or supporting your Small to sleep works for you, then honestly, you don’t need to change a single thing!
However, sometimes bedtime boundaries don’t work for you and your Small. Sometimes they block your Small from stitching their sleep cycles together at night, meaning that they wake frequently and don’t easily go back off to sleep. Hello, bedtime boundary block!
You might have heard that the only way to change how they go to sleep is to leave them to cry it out, or to use sleep training. But, if you’re reading this, the chances are that this doesn’t feel the best thing for you and your family.
What if I told you that you can change how they go to sleep…the caring way? That I HAVE changed the way hundreds of Smalls go to sleep, without controlled crying or crying it out?
Buy the Bundle
How long will it take me to complete the course?
Life with a Small can be unpredictable and my intention is that you can work through the course at your own pace and when you need too. You can watch it day or night and can even stop and start it as you please. You also get lifetime access to the course so there’s no rush and you can come back to it as often as you wish!
I don’t have loads of spare time to watch lots of videos. How long will it take me to watch them all?
I know time with a Small can be in super short supply! My intention was to make short yet really informative videos that are packed with sensible and easy to follow sleep suggestions. In total it shouldn’t take more than an hour or so for you to watch ALL the videos.
How long before I see some improvement?
Every Small is different and will make sleep strides in their own time. I’m always very honest and the answer to this is how long is a piece of sleep string! This course is especially for you if you want to change how your Small goes to sleep but DON’T want to leave them to cry. This is all about making changes with care and the trade-off of minimizing the tears is that it can take some time. Some will make strides straight away; most will make strides within 2 weeks and a few may take longer or need a bit more support to get there.
Can you give me a guarantee it will work?
I’m always very honest about my approach! I would love a magic wand but sadly I don’t have one so therefore I can’t give you a cast-iron guarantee it will work for your Small. Nothing in life is a guarantee and there are too many variables so any sleep support is never 100% guaranteed. What I do know though is my sleep approach has helped hundreds of Smalls across the globe change how they go to sleep… the caring way!
Can I watch it on any device?
Yes, absolutely you can watch this on any of your devices!
Will my Small cry?
Crying is simply your Small’s way of communicating to you and we don’t ever want to stop that from happening for safety reasons! I can’t give you a guarantee that your Small won’t cry because that’s a little unrealistic and I’m always honest. When we’re making changes it’s natural there may be some resistance and some time to transition. What I can guarantee is this is CARE IT OUT. This isn’t controlled crying, sleeping training or crying it out or anything else dressed up to sound more gentle than it really is. I honestly do believe this is genuinely gentle (and most of my clients will agree!) and I promise if your Small asks for support, we will ALWAYS meet them at that point of need.
Can I implement the course if we’re co-sleeping or room sharing?
This course can be implemented in all sleep scenarios and situations! If you’re: bed sharing room sharing sleeping in their own room breastfeeding combi feeding bottle feeding you can implement this course and make caring changes to how your Small goes to sleep.
Will I need to stop breastfeeding completely?
Your boobs are never to blame on my approach. EVER. This course is super breastfeeding friendly! Whilst you may wish to gently nudge them not to need the nipple all the way to sleep you really don’t need to stop breastfeeding at sleep time if you don’t want to.
What age is this suitable for?
My whole approach is always about meeting your Small where they’re at and their emotional needs. You can use the steps outlined at any age but before 4 months it more about practice!
Is it only for bedtime?
The steps can used at any time your Small goes to sleep including naps!
“I have now just finished your boundaries course as my baby suckles for about an hour after being breastfed to sleep - I need my evenings back!! I LOVED the course and I can actually see it working for us. The steps are small but clear and I actually have a plan now. We are starting from the breast request so I know it’ll be a journey but at least I can see a way out now.
“I have written and rewritten this out of sheer excitement and shock! Everything about Care It Out answers my heart and prayers. Truly! After years of horrible sleep (mama of two), I had the absolute BEST night just 4 days in of implementing things from the ecourse bedtime boundaries. Thank you for empowering me with the science behind her needs and providing a way that is loving and supportive which is the mom I want to be.”
I’m passionate that YOU are your Small’s expert, and that settled age-appropriate sleep is achievable.
As I always say, nothing in sleep is a guarantee or a given (no one can give you that!) and the same goes for this course, but it’s a great place to get your sleep started and get to grips with the basics of the Care It Out approach.
Save money with the bundle, and reclaim your family’s sleep, the caring way.
To the extent permitted by law, Care It Out does not as a general rule provide refunds or credits for cancellations of ecourses. Due to their digital nature, once you have purchased an e-course, it is already in your possession and cannot be returned.