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Night Weaning Webinar

Night weaning is always a very emotive and personal sleep subject.

Only you know when you and your Small are ready to wean. I'm always honest that I don't have a weaning wand. It is hard work and it's unlikely to be tear free. But if you're looking for an honest and pragmatic approach that won't leave your Small crying solo or unsupported this webinar is for you.

This webinar covers:

  • Things to consider before night weaning 

  • When to night wean

  • The night weaning prep step

  • How to make night weaning smoother for everyone

  • What to do when they wake?

This webinar is suitable for 6 months plus approx, breast and bottle feeders, and all sleep set ups including bed-sharers.


“I found your weaning webinar really useful. I’ve joined one of your webinars before, and like that one, it’s left me with some good ideas and things to try. Thank you!”

“It was really good to hear a simple, logical approach to night weaning, and I am looking forward to getting started!”

Signing up

I share the sign-up links to my Webinars with my Care It Out Camp of email subscribers first, before anyone else, along with lots of Sleep Support, guidance, reassurance, and exclusive subscriber discounts. If you’d like to join our club, sign up here: